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Friday, May 6, 2016

How to Install Your Own Cloud Platform with OpenStack in CentOS 7 & Fedora 23 Distributions by Using RDO Repositories

May 06, 2016
How to Install Your Own Cloud Platform with OpenStack in CentOS 7 & Fedora 23 Distributions by Using RDO Repositories

How to Install Your Own Cloud Platform with OpenStack in CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 or Fedora Distributions by Using RDO Repositories.

A. Initial System Configurations
Update the CentOS 7
Step1:- sudo yum update

list all running services
Step2:- ss -tulpn

Now identify, stop, disable and remove unneeded services, mainly postfix, NetworkManager and firewalld. At the end the only daemon that would be running on your machine should be sshd.
Step3:- systemctl stop postfix firewalld NetworkManager
Step4:- systemctl disable postfix firewalld NetworkManager
Step5:- systemctl mask NetworkManager
Step6:- yum remove postfix NetworkManager NetworkManager-libnm

Completely disable Selinux policy on the machine by issuing the below commands
Step7:- setenforce 0
Step8:- getenforce

Also edit /etc/selinux/config file set SELINUX line from enforcing to disabled
Step9:- vi /etc/selinux/config

set your Linux system hostname, Replace the FQDN variable
Step10:- hostnamectl set-hostname cloud.centos.lan

install ntpdate command to synchronize time with a NTP server
Step11:- yum install ntpdate

B. Install OpenStack in CentOS and RHEL
In order to enable rdo repositories on RHEL/CentOS 7
Step12:- yum install

Now it’s time to install PackStack package
Step13:- yum install  openstack-packstack

The file will be named after the current day timestamp when generated (day, month and year).
Step14:- packstack --gen-answer-file='date +"%d.%m.%y"'.conf
Step15:- ls

Now edit the generated answer configuration file with a text editor
Step16:- vi 22.04.16.conf

In order to be safe replace the passwords fields

Please consult server list in order to use a public NTP server near your physical location

Step19:- CONFIG_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PW=123(Give Your Password) --> for Admin user

Access OpenStack dashboard via HTTP with SSL enabled.

The root password for MySQL server.
Step21:- CONFIG_MARIADB_PW=123(Give Your Password)

Setup a password for nagiosadmin user in order to access Nagios web panel
Step22:- CONFIG_NAGIOS_PW=123(Give Your Password)

open SSH server configuration file and uncomment PermitRootLogin line by removing the front hashtag
Step23:- vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin Yes

restart SSH service to reflect changes
Step24:- systemctl restart sshd

C. Start Openstack Installation Using Packstack Answer File
start Openstack installation process via the answer file edited
Step25:- packstack --answer-file 13.04.16.conf

If for some reasons the installation process ends with an error regarding httpd service, open /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file and make sure you comment the following line as illustrated below
Step26:- #Listen 443 https

restart Apache daemon to apply changes
Step27:- systemctl restart httpd.service

Note: In case you still can’t browse Openstack web panel on port 443 restart the installation process from beginning with the same command issued for the initial deployment.
Step28:- packstack --answer-file /root/22.04.16.conf

E. Remotely Access OpenStack Dashboard

username :- admin
password :- 123(which we give during installation)

Alternatively, if you opted to install Nagios component for OpenStack, you can browse Nagios web panel at the following URI and login with the credentials setup in answer file.
Step30:- .