Network Information Service
Before Working on this lab, you must have
Two Computer Running Linux OS.
System 1 (NIS Server)
Ip Address :- 192.168.0.x
System 2 (NIS Client)
Ip Address :- 192.168.0.x
NIS Server Configuration
1. Check IP & NIS Domain Entries
# ifconfig
# nisdomainname
# hostname
# hostname
2. Check & Install the Packages.
# rpm –qa yp* or yum list installed yp*
# yum remove yp* -y
# rm -r /var/yp*
3. Install the Packages.
# yum install yp* -y
4. Edit Main Configuration File
# vi /var/yp/makefile
Change NOPUSH=fales into NOPUSH=true - (23rd line edit)
5. Restart the Services.
# service ypserv restart
# service yppasswdd restart
6. Create NIS database.
# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m (Master)
7. Create a New Users.
# useradd tom
# useradd joy
# passwd tom
# passwd joy
NFS Server Configuration
1. NFS Configuration
# yum install nfs* -y
# vi /etc/exports
# service nfs restart
# showmount -e 192.168.0.X - (X is a NFS Server Ipaddress)
NIS Client SIDE Configuration
1. Check IP & HOST Entries
# ifconfig
# setup
# service network restart
# ping 192.168.0.X -b
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
# vi /etc/hosts
# hostname
2. Make the client Machine as Member of NIS-Server.
# authconfig-tui
3. To share home directory of user mount to NFS exported dir.
# mount 192.168.0.x:/home/ /home
4. To check result log in as a NIS server user
# su - tom
That's it
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