How to Install Network Information Service (NIS) on Redhat Linux, CentOS and Fedora - Cloud Network

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Install Network Information Service (NIS) on Redhat Linux, CentOS and Fedora

Network Information Service
Before Working on this lab, you must have

Two Computer Running Linux OS.

System 1 (NIS Server)
Ip Address :- 192.168.0.x

System 2 (NIS Client)
Ip Address :- 192.168.0.x

NIS  Server Configuration
1.  Check IP & NIS Domain Entries
#  ifconfig
#  nisdomainname
#  hostname
#  hostname

2.  Check & Install the Packages.
#  rpm –qa  yp*     or   yum list installed   yp*
#  yum  remove  yp*  -y
#  rm  -r   /var/yp*

3.  Install the Packages.
#  yum  install  yp*  -y

4.  Edit Main Configuration File
#  vi /var/yp/makefile
Change  NOPUSH=fales  into  NOPUSH=true        -    (23rd line edit)

5.  Restart the Services.
#  service ypserv  restart
#  service yppasswdd  restart

6.  Create NIS  database.
#  /usr/lib/yp/ypinit    -m    (Master)

7.  Create a  New Users.
#  useradd   tom
#  useradd   joy
#  passwd   tom
#  passwd   joy

NFS  Server Configuration
1.  NFS  Configuration
#  yum install nfs*   -y
#  vi  /etc/exports
#  service  nfs  restart
#  showmount   -e   192.168.0.X    - (X is a NFS Server Ipaddress)

NIS Client SIDE Configuration
1.  Check IP & HOST Entries
#  ifconfig
#  setup
#  service  network  restart
#  ping  192.168.0.X  -b
#  vi /etc/sysconfig/network
#  vi /etc/hosts
#  hostname

2.  Make the client Machine as Member of NIS-Server.
#  authconfig-tui

3.  To share home directory of user mount to NFS exported dir.
#  mount 192.168.0.x:/home/   /home

4.  To check result log  in as a NIS   server user
#  su  -  tom

That's it
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