How to Install Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on Ubuntu, Debian & Linuxmint - Cloud Network

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Install Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on Ubuntu, Debian & Linuxmint

Installing and Configuring LVM on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint

Step1 :-   su
Step2 :-  apt-get update && apt-get install lvm2
Step3 :-   dpkg-query  -s  lvm2
Step4 :-   dpkg-query  -l   lvm2
Step5 :-   pvcreate  /dev/md0                   ---     prepare the disks
Step6 :-   vgcreate  storage  /dev/md0      ---     added to a Volume Group
Step7 :-   vgcreate  storage  /dev/md0
Step8 :-   vgdisplay                                  ---  greater detail about the Volume Group.
Step9 :-   vgs                                ---  confirm that the Volume Group is in existence
Step10 :- lvcreate   -L  100G  -n   Music   storage  --- To create the Logical Volumes

Step11 :- lvcreate   -L  50G    -n   Documents  storage
Step12 :- lvdisplay                 ---   Detailed output of the Logical Volumes.
Step13 :- lvs                           ---   Less detailed output of the Logical Volumes.
Step14 :- mkfs.ext4  -L Music  /dev/mapper/storage-Music
Step15 :- mkfs.ext4  -L Documents  /dev/mapper/storage-Documents
Step16 :- mkdir  /mnt/Music
Step17 :- mkdir  /mnt/Documents
Step18 :- mount /dev/mapper/storage-Music /mnt/Music
Step19 :- mount /dev/mapper/storage-Documents /mnt/Documents
Step20 :- blkid /dev/mapper/*
Step21 :- blkid /dev/mapper/* >> /etc/fstab
Step22 :- nano /etc/fstab
Step23 :- mount -a
Step24 :- lsblk

That's it
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