How to Install and Configure Redis & Redis-Server 5.0.5 on Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint - Cloud Network

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Install and Configure Redis & Redis-Server 5.0.5 on Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint

Redis, developed in 2009, is a flexible, open-source, key value data store. Following in the footsteps of other NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra, CouchDB, and MongoDB, Redis allows the user to store vast amounts of data without the limits of a relational database.

Additionally, it has also been compared to memcache and can be used, with its basic elements as a cache with persistence.

Website :-
Redis Installation by “apt” Repository –

Write the following code in it.

Step1 :- sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

deb squeeze all
deb-src squeeze all

Step2 :- wget
               cat dotdeb.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Step3 :- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server

Step4 :- sudo apt-get update

Step5 :- sudo apt-get install redis-server

Redis Installation using Source

Download, extract and compile Redis with:
Step6 :-    wget
         OR  wget
Step7 :-    tar  xzf  redis-5.0.5.tar.gz   OR  tar  xvzf  redis-stable.tar.gz                                          
Step8 :-    cd redis-5.0.5  OR   cd redis-stable

Step9 :-    make
Step9 :-    sudo apt-get install tcl8.5
Step10 :-  make test
Step11 :-  sudo make install

To access the script move into the utils directory
Step12 :-  cd utils

Install script
Step13 :-  sudo ./

You can start and stop redis with these commands
Step14 :- sudo service redis_6379 start
                sudo service redis_6379 stop

The binaries that are now compiled are available in the src directory:
Step15 :-  src/redis-server

Check if Redis is working
Step16 :- redis-cli   OR    redis-cli ping   OR       src/redis-cli
Step17 :- set foo bar
Step18 :- get foo

Output :- redis>

To set Redis to automatically start at boot, run
Step19 :- sudo  update-rc.d   redis_6379 defaults

Install Redis as PHP Extension

You can start and stop redis with these commands
Step20 :- sudo apt-get -y install php5-redis
Install Redis extension of PHP using Source
Step21 :-  sudo apt-get -y install php5-dev

Download phpredis from git repository
Step22 :- sudo apt-get -y install git
Step23 :- git clone git://

Compile and install phpRedis by running
Step24 :-   cd phpredis
Step25 :-   phpize
Step26 :-   ./configure
Step27 :-    make
Step28 :-    sudo -s make install

Next we need to add extension with php configuration so that php can enable this
Step29 :-  sudo -s
Step30 :- echo "">/etc/php5/conf.d/redis.ini
To check Redis is working with php
Step31 :- vi  phpredis.php

Write the following code in the phpredis.php
redis=new Redis() or die("Can not load Redis.");
$redis->set('Redis test_key', 1);

Run the phpredis.php file either using your browser or command line
Step32 :-  php phpredis.php

Redis Operations
Step8 :- SET users:CloudNetwork "job: CEO, born:1988, dislikes: cherry trees“
Step8 :- GET users:CloudNetwork

Step8 :- LRANGE ROYGBV 0 3
1) "red"
2) "orange"
3) "yellow"
4) "green“

Step8 :- SET classified:information "Secret Stuff“
EXPIRE classified:information 45
TTL classified:information
GET classified:information

Removing Redis 5.0.5

Step33 :- sudo apt-get remove redis-server
Step34 :- sudo apt-get purge--auto-remove redis-server