SMTP, POP, IMAP Interview Questions and Answers - Cloud Network

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SMTP, POP, IMAP Interview Questions and Answers

 Q :- Explain or What is POP, SMTP and IMAP protocols.
Ans :-
POP:- The Post Office Protocol is an application-level protocol within an intranet which are used by the local email clients to send and retrieve e-mails from a remote server those are connected using TCP/IP. POP is one of the most prevalent protocol for the usage of e-mail. The POP and its procedures support the end-users with dial-up network connections.

POP allows the users to retrieve e-mail when connected and later allows viewing and altering the retrieved messages. This is done with a promising feature – without staying connected. The process of using emails over POP is to connect, retrieve the messages, and store them on the user’s PC as a new message. Later these messages can be ‘deleted from the server’ and disconnecting the server – makes POP a distinguished protocol.

SMTP:- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, for sending email between ‘servers’. Most of the emailing systems implement the messages over internet use SMTP. The message sent from one server to another server, and then the message can be retrieved by an email client. The client uses either POP or IMAP. In addition to this process, SMTP is also generally used for message sending and retrieval from a mail client to a mail server. This is the reason why the need of POP or IMAP server and the SMTP servers at the time of configuring the email application.

IMAP:- Short for Internet Message Access Protocol. This is another most prevalent protocol of internet standard for email usage apart from POP. Usually all the modern email server and client supports these two protocols for transmitting the email messages.
For Example :- Gmail server uses to transmit the message to a client such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook.

IMAP is an application layer protocol over internet that is operating from port no. 143 that allows the accessibility of email on a remote server by a client. IMAP supports the online and offline (disconnected) modes of operations. Usually the email clients using IMAP utilizes the facility of leaving the message on the server. The message lasts until the user explicitly deletes them. IMAP also allows multiple clients to have the accessibility of the same mailbox.

Q :- What are the standard port numbers for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, RPC, LDAP and Global Catalog ?
Ans :-
SMTP - 25 (Sending mail transfer protocol)
POP3  - 110 (Post office protocol version3)
IMAP4 - 143 (Internet message access protocol)
RPC  - 530 (Remote procedure call)
LDAP - 389 Lightweight directory access protocol
Global Catalog - 3268
FTP - 20 (File Transfer Protocol) data
FTP - 21 (File Transfer Protocol) control
SMTP - 25 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
IRAP - 38 (Internet Route Access Protocol)

IMP - 45 (Internet Message Protocol)
DNS - 53 (Domain Name System)
HTTP - 80 (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
POP2 - 109 (Post Office Protocol) version 2
POP3 - 110 (Post Office Protocol) version 3
RPC - 111 (Remote Procedure Call)
IMAP - 143 (Internet Message Access Protocol)
SNMP - 161 (Simple Network Management Protocol)
IMAP - 220 (Interactive Mail Access Protocol) version
LDAP - 389 (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
RIP - 520 (Routing Information Protocol)
HTTPS- 443 (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)
RDP - 3389 (Remote Desktop Protocol)
SQL - 1433 (Structured Query Language)
MYSQL - 3306 (MY-Structured Query Language)

Q :- What connector type would you use to connect to the Internet, and what are the two methods of sending mail over that connector?
Ans :- SMTP Connector: Forward to smart host or use DNS to route to each address

Q :- Which protocol is used for Public Folder ?
Ans :- SMTP

Q :- What are the prerequisite for  installation of Exchange Server ?
Ans :- The prerequisite are IIS, SMTP, WWW service , NNTP, W3SVC, NET Framework, ASP.NET.
Then run Forestprep
The run domainprep

Q :- What is STLS ?
Ans :-  POP uses the Transmission Control Protocol on port number 110. Transmission may be encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This is negotiated in the POP3 protocol using the STLS command. Some clients and servers, such as Google Gmail, instead use the deprecated alternate-port method, which uses TCP port 995 (POP3S).

Q :- What is XTND XMIT ?
Ans :- Irrespective of the mail retrieval protocol, email clients typically use the Message Submission flavor of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send messages. POP3 contains a protocol extension, known as "XTND XMIT", that allows clients to transmit outbound mail. The Qualcomm qpopper and CommuniGate Pro servers and Eudora clients are examples of systems that optionally utilize the XTND XMIT methods of authenticated client to server email transmission.

Q :- What is SDPS ?
Ans :- Demon Internet introduced extensions to POP3 that allow multiple accounts per domain, and has become known as Standard Dial up POP3 Service (SDPS).

To access each account, the username includes the hostname, as cloudnetwork@hostname or cloudnetwork+hostname.

Q :- What do you know about POP3 session?
Ans :- A POP3 session is created when a remote user connects to a mailbox on the POP3 mail server and ends when the remote user disconnects from the POP3 mail server.

Q :- What is an Email client?
Ans :- An email client, email reader, or more formally mail user agent (MUA), is a computer program used to manage email.
Specifically, the term email client may refer to any agent acting as a client toward an email server, regardless of it being a mail user agent, a relaying server, or a human typing on a terminal. In addition, a web application providing message management, composition, and reception functionality is sometimes considered an email client.

Q :- What is Post Office Protocol (POP & POP/3)?
Ans :- POP stands for Post Office Protocol, and is one of the technologies used for that all-important medium of communication: email. Like many other computer-related things, email requires a special language for mail to be received or sent. POP is one of the technologies that allows email sent from anywhere in the world to arrive in your inbox.


Q :- What protocol is used between E-Mail servers?
Ans :- SMTP.

Q :- If you configure the TCP/IP address and other TCP/IP parameters manually, you can always verify the configuration through which of the following ?
Ans :- Network Properties dialog box.

Q :- Which of the following provides a storage mechanism for incoming mail but does not allow a user to download messages selectively?
Ans :- POP3

Q :- Explain How Does SMTP Work?
Ans :- SMTP is responsible for transmitting email across Internet networks (IPs). This technology is used specifically for sending outgoing email. Clients typically use applications such as Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) or Post Office Protocol (POP) to access to their email box. For example, if you send an email it goes to a mail server using SMTP. The mail client will then deliver it to the user?s mailbox.

Q :- What do you know about other protocols?
Ans :- In order for computers to communicate with one another, standard methods of information transfer and processing have been devised. These are referred to as "protocols" and some of the more common ones such as TCP, IP, UDP, POP, SMTP, HTTP, and FTP.

Q :- Explain the SMTP Basic Functions?
Ans :- SMTP is responsible for a little more than just deliver messages to servers. It performs several functions that streamlines the delivery process.

► It evaluates the configuration and grants permission to the computer who is trying to send a message.
► It can also track if the message was sent successfully. If it isn't, an error message is sent to the sender.
► Extended SMTP is a little more advanced than older versions. It helps cut back on email spam.

Q :- What is ISTP protocol?
Ans :- The InterStream Transit Protocol (ISTP) is a secure protocol that allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to offer high bandwidth multimedia services over their networks. The ISTP application is installed as a new protocol handler into browsers. It includes components which enable Internet Service Providers to obtain incremental revenue from subscribers, advertisers, other ISPs, and streaming video providers in exchange for using premium bandwidth services on their networks.

Q :- Explain Resolved Limiting Factors of SMTP?
Ans :- Previous versions of this technology had limiting figures, such as the location of the client within the network. SMTP allows clients to submit emails quickly regardless of the recipients location. Thats because current SMTP technology uses a clients authentication (which are their accreditations) instead of the license IP address to send email.

Q :- Explain How SMTP Evolved?
Ans :- Electronic messaging was created decades before the internet revolution. In the 1960s people were exploring how to communicate using mainframe computers. The U.S. Government was the first to create a server to transmit email. In the 1970s, the mailbox protocol was developed, which was an early version of SMTP. The modern version of this technology was developed in 1982.


Q :- What is IMAP Protocol ?
Ans :- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) ? Is a standard protocol for accessing email from your local server. IMAP is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your Internet server. As this requires only a small data transfer this works well even over a slow connection such as a modem. Only if you request to read a specific email message will it be downloaded from the server. You can also create and manipulate folders or mailboxes on the server, delete messages etc.

Q :- Please explain IMAP ?
Ans :- IMAP: Internet Mail Access Protocol..
It is used for incoming mail in client/remote users of a mail server. A user do not download e- mail in her pc from server.just to read or access from server. email saves in a server

Q :- What is IMAP4 ?
Ans :- Legacy Interactive Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) access to Exchange is also available, which can enable an Exchange server to be accessed via IMAP applications, such as some UNIX mail clients. As with the POP3 protocol, IMAP support must be explicitly turned on.

Q :- What is an IP Datagram ?
Ans :- An IP datagram is a basic unit of information used by the IP layer to exchange data between two hosts. A IP datagram consists of an IP header and data.

Q :- Explain Which RFC discusses IP ?
Ans :- RFC 791 discusses about the IP protocol version 4.

Q :-  Explain What is the role of IP in the TCP/IP protocol suite ?
Ans :-  IP is used for
1. Transmitting data from higher-level protocols like TCP, UDP in IP datagrams, from one host to another host in the network.
2. Identifying individual hosts in a network using an IP address.
3. Routing datagrams through gateways and
4. Fragmenting and reassembling datagrams based on the MTU of the underlying network

Q :- Explain What do you mean by IP is a connection-less protocol?
Ans :- IP is a connection-less protocol because it does not maintain state information about the connection to a destination host. Each datagram is handled independent of other datagrams and also each datagram may reach the destination through different network routes.  

Q :- Tell me Is there a limitation on the minimum size of a IP datagram a network can handle ?
Ans :- Yes. All IP networks must be able to handle datagrams of at least 576 bytes in length.

Q :- Explain How higher-level data is carried by IP to a destination host ?
Ans :- The data from higher-level protocols like TCP, UDP is encapsulated in an IP datagram and transmitted to the destination host. IP will not modify the higher-level data.  

Q :- What are the functions for IMAP?
Ans :-
imap_body – Read the message body
imap_check – Check current mailbox
imap_delete – Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox
imap_mail – Send an email message

That's it
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