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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Check out Linux Distributions and its Packages

May 28, 2014
Check out Linux Distributions and its Packages

linux software

Common Distributions

All Flavors of Linux are Below Read and Understood it

1. Slackware
2. RedHat
3. Caldera
4. Mandrake
5. Debian
6. SuSe
7. Corel

1.   Slackware
Current Version: 8.0
Notes: Oldest distribution
Website :-

2.  RedHat
Current Version: 7.1
        Best known distribution
        Company is more than just distribution
        Has Alpha CPU Distribution
        Has Itanium CPU Distribution
Website: -

3.  Caldera
Current Version: 3.1
        Have products for machines classes
        Combined with SCO/Unix

4.  Mandrake
Current Version: 8.0
        Based on RedHat ?
        Known for speed
        Graphical interface, install, admin, more
        Has PowerPC version

5.  SuSE
Current Version: 7.2
        Many available packages
        Popular in Europe
        Available on 6 CD's or DVD

6.  Debian
Current Version: 2.2r3 (Potato)
        A completely Open Source distribution
        Multiple CPU Architectures
        Have some special distributions

7.  Corel
Current Version: Second Edition
        Based on Debian
        Bundled with Corel Linux Products

Open Source -
Linux Documentation Project -
Linux Kernel -

NOTE :- For Any Clarification Please Below


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CloudNetwork: Check out Linux Software.

Ubuntu 14.04

Linux Mint 17



Oracle Linux 7
Reset Root Password

How to Install Tortoise SVN in Windows 7/10

May 28, 2014
How to Install Tortoise SVN in Windows 7/10

Hello Everyone,

In this tutorial,

Let us Install Tortoise SVN Desktop on Windows 7 --  64 Bit

You Can also Install in Microsoft Windows 8/8.1

First Download Tortoise SVN

NOTE :- For Any Clarification Please Below


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Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Install Xampp 1.8.2 (Apache, MySql, FileZilla) in Window 7/10

May 26, 2014
How to Install Xampp 1.8.2 (Apache, MySql, FileZilla) in Window 7/10

Hello Everyone,

In this tutorial,

Let us Install Xampp 1.8.2 (Apache, MySql, FileZilla) in Window 7 --  64 Bit

You Can also Install in Microsoft Windows 8/8.1
You Can Download Xampp Below Link

Next Video Base on LAMP.........

Watch How to Install LAMP(Apache, MySql, PhpMyAdmin) in Ubuntu 14.10/14.04, Linux Mint 17 & Debian 7.6

Watch How to Install LAMP(Apache, MySql, PhpMyAdmin) in Redhat Linux 6, CentOS 7 & Fedora Workstation 21,20

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Friday, May 23, 2014

How to Make Your Pendrive Bootable for Ubuntu / Linux Installation

May 23, 2014
How to Make Your Pendrive Bootable for Ubuntu / Linux Installation
How to Make Pendrive Bootable

How to Make Pendrive Bootable by Command mode

1. Required 4Gb pendrive(empty).
2. connect your pendrive.

Note :- don't copy the folder into pendrive just copy all file into pendrive

Any problem please comment

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Monday, May 19, 2014

How to Open Notebook Without Switch User

May 19, 2014
How to Open Notebook Without Switch User
How to Make Pendrive Bootable
Just go to Accessories expand right click on notepad Run as Administrator 

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

How to Install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on Oracle Virtual Box with Full Screen Resolution

May 17, 2014
How to Install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on Oracle Virtual Box with Full Screen Resolution
Hello Everyone,

In this tutorial,

Let us Install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop on Virtual Box with Full Screen Resolution   --  64 Bit

Note :- Its Support Less than 2GB RAM.... that's mean in your laptop or desktop or server should have Less 2GB RAM to Install Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop in System or Laptop.

You Can also Install in VMware Workstation 11 or Microsoft Hyper-V.

Minimum System Requirements
1.  x86-64 CPU (64-bit Macs, with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, or Xeon processor).
2GB of System Memory (RAM).
3. 20GB of Disk Space(Hard Disk).
4. Graphics Card and Display capable of at least 1024x768.
5. Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media.
6. Internet Access.

Step1:- First Download Virtual box setup below is this link to download 
Another Link to Download Virtual Box

Select -- Virtual Box 4.3.X for Windows hosts 32 or 64 bit.   
(Where 'X' is the Latest Version)

Step2:- See My Video How to Install virtual box... Click Below link

Step3:- Download ISO Image Ubuntu Desktop 14.04 LTS.....Click Below link
size - 981MB.

For Full Screen Resolution..
Step4 :- sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11                or
Step5 :- sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
Restart the VM and enjoy screen-size.

Mount the Guest Additions by selecting Devices --- Insert Guest Additions CD image… (or you can press Host + D)
Step6 :- run the script within the newly mounted cd
              or  sh

Watch the Video on How to Reset Root Password in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

NOTE :- For Any Clarification Please Below

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

What is VNC and its Server Configuration on Linux

May 08, 2014
What is VNC and its Server Configuration on Linux

VNC Server

What is VNC ? 
VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a Remote display system which allows you to view a computing 'desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine Architectures.
The VNC System allows you to access the same Desktop from a wide variety of platforms.
Many of us, for example, use a VNC viewer running on a PC on our desks to display our Unix or Windows Environments, which are running on a large server in the machine Room.
Download VNC Latest version from
If you prefer to use the command line as opposed to a GUI for installation, run the following command from your Linux CLI. When run, this command will download the RPM package to your current working directory. The file is 700k approx:
$  wget http&#58;//
The Installation
Installing from RPM is straightforward enough, simply run the following command:
$  rpm vnc-3.3.6-2.i386.rpm -i
Now you have the core VNC files installed on your system. The first time you run VNC server, you be required to set a password. Remember that it is good practice to choose a password that is not in the dictionary, contains a combination of numbers, letters, and other characters.

To start VNC server, at the command prompt type:
$  vnc server
If you wish to change the VNC password at any time, enter vncpasswd at the command prompt. The VNC password is not integrated with the standard Linux passwords (any thing inside /etc/passwd), so changing the VNC password will leave all other passwords on the system intact. That also applies the other way round; changing the password on a user account will not affect the VNC password.
You will need to edit the configuration script found in $home/.vnc/xstartup. Any standard text file editor such as vim, emacs or pico will suffice.
For Gnome:
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
twm &

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
twm &
startkde &
The key line in the sample file above is the last one, which in this case is set to twm. This controls which window manager you wish VNC to use. By default, Redhat systems use gnome, but you may be using kde. The twm should only be used if you do not have a window manager setup on your system. If you are using kde, you should change twm to startkde and if you are using gnome, you should change it to gnome-session.

You should also understand how to kill existing desktops, shutting VNC down. To do this, you should type vncserver -kill :1 at the CLI, where 1 is the desktop you wish to kill off.
That's it. VNC should now be successfully setup on your system. The last piece of information you need is the ports VNC uses. For the VNC viewer, 5901 is used by default, and for java based VNC access, 5801 is used. You will need to add rules to your firewall to allow traffic into either or both of these port numbers.
Check If VNC is running
You can check at anytime to see if you have a VNC server currently running. To do so, I recommend that you use netstat a tool designed to give you information about what ports are listening for connections on your machine. The following output is an example of what you can expect to see from a netstat command. The important part of this output is highlighted in bold:
&#91;root@server root&#93;# netstat -an | more
Active Internet connections &#40;servers and established&#41;
Proto   Recv-Q   Send-Q   Local Address   Foreign Address  State
Tcp     0            0;22      ;*             LISTEN
Tcp     0            0;5801  ;*              LISTEN
Tcp     0            0;5901  ;*              LISTEN
&#91;root@server root&#93;#
The 2 lines that have & indicate we have VNC listening for incoming connections on all interfaces ( If you find that you cannot connect to VNC, I would recommend that you check it is running. If you see that VNC is running from a netstat command, then I would check your firewall is not blocking your connection attempts.
The VNC Viewer
From within you X desktop, you will have access to a VNC viewer, which you may use to remotely control other machines. To access this, open a command terminal, and type in vncviewer. You will be prompted for an IP address to connect to. Enter this, and click ok. You should now have remote control of another PC.
For Troubleshooting VNC installations
you can post any VNC questions at

If you have Redhat your firewall in the GUI may always appear to be on, even when its not.
Drop to a command prompt, and run: "iptables -L". If the firewall is really off, then you should see:
Chain INPUT &#40;policy ACCEPT&#41;
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD &#40;policy ACCEPT&#41;
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT &#40;policy ACCEPT&#41;
target prot opt source destination
When using Winvnc to vnc (linux) remember when connecting with the vnc client to use x.x.x.x:1, where x.x.x.x is the ipaddress. The ":1" is important, as it tells the VNC client the server is listening on tcp/5901 as opposed to 5900 (default on windows).
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