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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to Install Samba v4.11.1 on a RHEL/CentOS and Fedora

October 29, 2019
How to Install Samba v4.11.1 on a RHEL/CentOS and Fedora
Installing Samba on a Unix System

Directory installed : /etc/samba
Configuration file installed : smb.conf

If Samba is already installed on your system, you can check to see what version you have by using the command:
Step1 :- smbd -V

Version 4.11.1
Step1 :- rpm -qa | grep samba




How to remove rpm package
Step2 :- rpm -e samba
rpm -e samba-client
rpm -e samba-common

Downloading the Samba
Check Latest Version :
Step3 :- samba-latest.tar.gz

Step3 :- tar xvfz samba-latest.tar.gz or tar xvfz samb-4.11.1.tar.gz

if you dont have GUN tar then run this
Step3 :- gunzip samba-latest.tar.gz  or gunzip samb-4.11.1.tar.gz

Step3 :- tar xvf samba-latest.tar or tar xvf samb-4.11.1.tar

Step3 :- configure

Step3 :- make

Step3 :- make install

Configuring Samba
Login with root account

cd samba-2.2.6/source/
./configure --with-smbwrapper --with-smbmount \

mkdir /usr/local/samba/tmp

# chmod 777 /usr/local/samba/tmp

To Set Encrypted Password in smb
smbpasswd -a itcloudnet

Access by URL

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Reset/Recover/Forget Root Password in CentOS/RHEL/Fedora and VM/KVM

October 28, 2019
How to Reset/Recover/Forget Root Password in CentOS/RHEL/Fedora and VM/KVM

Note : Take Backup of your data before you proceed

Method 1 - (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Step1 :- Restart the Machine

Step2 :- Press "e" from keyboard at time when kernel versions presented Press "e" again

Step3 :- Search for "rd.break" line (last line of Linux16) or write next to rw file (rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh)

Step4 :- Press Ctrl+X(control+x) to start on single user mode

Step5 :- Type at command line "mount -o remount, rw /sysimage"
chroot /sysimage or  chroot /sysroot
passwd root      or  passwd
load_policy -i   or touch /.autorelabel
restorecon /etc/shadow to restore the SELinux settings for the given file
reboot   or exit

Method 2 - (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Step1 :- Boot/Restart the Virtual Machine or Server

Step2 :- Then Select Troubleshooting see below screenshot

Step3 :- Then Select Rescue a CentOS system and hit Enter

Step4 :- Then type 1 and hit enter a couple of times until you get the command prompt (shell).

Step5 :- Then type in command prompt one by one
Chroot /mnt/sysimage
Rm -f /.autorelabel

Step6 :- After Reboot Login with New Password

Method 3 - (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Step1 :- Boot/Restart the Virtual Machine or Server

Step2 :- Interrupt while booting at GRUB Stage with any arrow or space bar from keyboard

Step3 :- Type "e" to edit kernel argument, 'ESC' is used for Cancel or to goback

Step4 :- Then type 1 after rhgb quiet line hit enter to boot

Step5 :- Press "b" to boot process then type "runlevel" in command prompt 1S is single user mode

Step6 :- Type New Password and Again Same Password

Step7 :- Reboot it

Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Install Python v3.8.0 on Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint

October 25, 2019
How to Install Python v3.8.0 on Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint
Latest Version :- 3.8.0
Website :-

Python System Requirements


1.  Windows 7/8/10.
2.  A late-model 3D OpenGL compatible graphics accelerator card from nVidia,  ATI, 3Dlabs or similar.
3.  1 GB preferred or above
4.  3 Ghz Pentium 4 processor or similar.

Installation of Python 3.8.0

Step1 :- sudo dnf install libssl-dev openssl
Step2 :- cd  /opt
Step3 :- sudo wget
Step4 :- tar -xzvf Python-3.8.0.tgz
Step5 :- cd Python-3.8.0/
Step6 :- ./configure
Step7 :- sudo  make
Step8 :- sudo make install
Step9 :- sudo ln -fs   /opt/Python-3.8.0/python   /usr/bin/python

To Verify type
Step10 :- python3 or python