1. Web mail application
2. Modular
3. Implemented with PHP
1. Install Squirrelmail with support via Apache
a.Download from squirrelmail.org - *.bz2
b. Confirm the MD5SUM
c. Copy the *.bz2 file to the Apache server
d. yum -y install php php-imap - installs PHP support for Apache/IMAP
e. mkdir /var/www/mail
f. Extract Squirrelmail to: /var/www/mail
g. Optionally, create symlink named 'mail' to point to Squirremail version
h. Create the Apache Virtual Host
ServerAdmin webmaster@mail.linuxcbt.internal
ServerName mail.linuxcbt.internal
DocumentRoot /var/www/mail
<Directory /var/www/mail>
Options FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
CustomLog logs/mail.linuxcbt.internal.access.log combined
ErrorLog logs/mail.linuxcbt.internal.error.log
i. Restart Apache
j. Configure SquirrelMail defaults: /var/www/mail/mail/config/conf.pl
k. Create 'attach' and 'data' directories for SquirrelMail: /var/local/squirrelmail/{data,attach}
l. Update permissions so SquirrelMail may write to 'data' and 'attach' directories: chown -R apache.apache /var/local/squirrelmail
k. Setup DNS
l. Attempt to access SquirrelMail
Note: If SELinux is enabled, use 'setsebool...' to allow httpd to connect to IMAP and SMTP ports. Consult: /var/log/messages
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